Monday, October 19, 2009

the Neanderthals have moved

The new social media . . . it's so easy, a Neanderthal can do it. As the NPS reawakens yet again, we've colonized a new space. We'll keep this blog page alive as an archive, but look for us now on Facebook . . . just search "Neanderthal Philosophical Society."

Thursday, September 3, 2009

F A L L 2 0 0 9 (can I get a Hell yeah?!)

Monday, September 21
Steve Carvalho's House (incredible Asian oasis)
4210 Fairgreen Terrace NE, Marietta
BOOK: There is no book. We're meeting to catch up and pick a book. Come with suggestions.
Summer reading was Thirteen Moons by Charles Frazier which is a great book. It really gets good the 2nd time you read it. Knock it out before Sept 21 and we'll have a short discussion.

See you there!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

summer plans

We had a good Neanderthal meeting on Monday night to discuss Caputo's The Voyage. Following Lumpkin's last-minute suggestion for a location change, we met at the new Fado and sat upstairs on the new roof deck on a lovely late-spring evening. The usual suspects were Lumpkin, Parker, Mullen, and me, and we were joined for the first time by my friend and colleague Andy Delfino. He gets high marks for a) having actually read the book, and b) convincingly lecturing on Post-Modernism (Mullen gets high marks for pretending to be interested when what he really wanted to talk about was Lost).

Anyway, we've decided to make Fado our new meeting location. After all, unlike Fox and Hounds, they closed for renovations and you can actually tell they did something. Plus, it's evidently more convenient for the hinterland-dwelling Mullen. And the scenery is better. The view of the neighborhood from up there is nice, too.

In the interest of time, we went ahead and set a date and picked a book for June, bypassing the usual intermediate step of pretending to care what those who didn't attend might want. Our next book will be White Noise, by Don Delillo, and our next meeting date is Monday, June 23rd. We also decided that the Neanderthals would take a summer break over July and August and would kick off our eighth season in September with a weekend in the mountains (details TBA) to discuss Charles Frazier's Thirteen Moons. We'll iron out logistics about that one later . . . for now, though, White Noise, June 23rd at Fado.

EDIT: Hey, wonder if I'm related to this guy?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

next meeting, May 19th

We've set Monday, May 19th, for the next mustering of the Neanderthal horde. We'll invade the new-and-imperceptibly-improved Fox and Hounds at our usual 7:00 time. The book this time around, by popular vote (or is it more like a caucus?), is Philip Caputo's cleverly named The Voyage. Happy reading! (Though I'm guessing you probably won't be as "happy" as you were while reading A Sport and a Pastime.)